Your ticket to use the out-house
13 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Filmed in Topanga Canyon, this low budget horror film is laughable, considering who all has showed up for their free lunch off the taco wagon, and scale pay. When a group of high times teens pull into the unwelcome gas station from hell, gas attendant "Floyed"(Rance Howard)appears in a cameo asking, "What'll it be?" "Filler up" the driver replied, as Howard directs a 'PTY', Ms. Orsi if I recall, behind the store to use the restroom, where appetizers await her arrival: beheaded chickens carcases & wings, with lots of bloody dip sauce, are scattered all about the ground. At least twenty hits of brutal visual salmonella carcases in all, as though someone broke into your mind and contaminated your thinking processes. Not for the faint of heart. No need to use the out-house. A dogie bag would have worked just fine.

While the nauseating sound effects of barfing quickly get underway, Gary Busey steps into frame with a haunting, "thud" from bumper music providing a typical 'surprise' and, 'gotcha!" effect. We're left sickened with the feeling of having just munched a very bad dinner from some Chinese 'takeout' joint in Sri Lanka. Isn't that India?

Howard is slick & cunning in his brief cameo roll, knowing full well what happened and what is awaiting for her on the other side of his 'little shop of horrors'. Great chemistry between Howard and Busey with some amusing lines as they engage in their sickness together.

Putting aside the metal plate in Busey's head from a motorcycle accident, and a long history of drug abuse, is this guy really that desperate for a job? The script was horrible and the cast was great. Is it that difficult to get a matching set? And Rance Howard, father of actor/director Ron Howard, acting in another sicko film about axes through the back, and enough blood and gore to meet the appetite of any voracious vampire.

Funny thing is, Rance hasn't even seen the movie. Knowing that such hideous films contribute to the moral decay of society, I asked Howard why he continues to act in such films? After a lengthy pause on the phone, his response was, "because there's an audience."

After asking the wise owl, just how many licks does it really take to get to the center of a tootsie role tootsie pop, I found the time to ponder & reflect my next visit to McDonalds. "Crack in the Floor" receives a caution rating of (4).
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