Snow White (1987)
NOT The Fairest One Of All.
13 July 2005
"Snow White" is another of Cannon Films "Movie Tales" series which bypassed theaters and went straight to video instead. I really wanted to like this film, and there ARE some good things in it, but it's not the Snow White it could have been. The script is, at least, a fairly faithful version of the original story, which the Disney film, for all it's charm, was not. The music and songs (by Michael Berz) are above average and nicely staged. Both Sarah Patterson and Nicola Stapleton are well cast as the older and younger Snow White, as is the prince. The production values are equally persuasive, especially considering it was filmed mostly in Isreal. What's wrong, then? Sadly, enough to make the picture a less than "enchanting" experience. The Dwarfs are little more than obnoxious (including the late veteran Billy Barty) and there is an abundance of out of place humor which does nothing but jar the mood. But what really does the film in dramatically, is the portrayal of the evil Queen, here played by the usually magnificent Diana Rigg. It's the fault of the script that the character is written in such an over the top manner, but Rigg hams it up for all she is worth. Her costumes are almost all hideous, adding to the lampooning of the character (who must be taken seriously, if the story is to make sense.) Yes, by the climax of the movie the story switches to a "darker" mood, but, by then it's too late. Musical or not, there is no reason to add burlesque to a classic story. "Snow White" might better have been left on the shelf.
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