Soapy cheese.
8 July 2005
When it comes to movies I like to think that I'm not very picky. I like all sorts of movies. I liked Shadowlands and Sleepless in Seattle. I liked American Beauty. I like the Rambo movies. I like the Lethal Weapons movies. I liked Rush Hour. I liked Freddy Got Fingered. I liked American Pie. I liked the Brainstorm. I liked the Cube. Liked Memento, Silence of Lambs and The Fly. Titanic was okay (though in my opinion it's the worst DiCaprio movie I've seen). Ang Lees Ice Storm was okay. Casablanca is a good movie. And so on.

And a movie doesn't even have to be good in order for me like it. Attack of the 50 Foot Woman, It Came From Outer Space, Cleopatra Jones and The Fly 2 were IMO pretty amusing crappy movies. I have no dislike for any particular genre of movies.

I hated Dangerous Minds. Ange-8 called this movie as teenxploitation in his/hers comment and I agree completely. This is the cheesiest movie I can remember seeing. Argh.

In the beginning the movie didn't seem like it would suck so completely but the more I saw the more I felt like I was watching a overlong episode of some b-grade soap opera. The main character played by Pfeiffer is supposed to be an ex-marine but half the time she's just so frigging clueless that it seems unlikely that she's ever even seen a marine. And this little lost hen is supposed gain the respect and trust of a group of rough kids from slums. As if.

If you can bear watching crap like Bold & the Beautiful or Melrose Place then maybe you'll also be able to endure watching this terrible movie without getting an aneurysm. Otherwise don't risk it.
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