Review of Exils

Exils (2004)
inter culturally revealing, and no holds barred!
7 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
May contain spoilers. EXILS Two people searching for their roots? Thats what I expected, and instead it appears more to resemble a road movie.

Interesting though, as the somehow insane story progresses, and what fascinated me about it: The two main Characters of Zano and Naima find their INNER roots: through the people they meet, their ways, looks, music and rhythms, in a way that differs from their expectations, as it differs from that of the spectator.

Zano, the Frenchman is the one to suggest this trip to Algeria. Born in Algeria of french parents who remained very french all their lives -to judge by the photographs Zano is shown of them- feels more and more french the farther he gets from that country. Naima on the contrary, the "real" Algerian? possibly with Gypsy roots, laughing at first at the idea of going to Algeria and resisting all the growing evidence of her non-french roots, is eventually penetrated to the core in the trance ritual.This sequence may be long but is somehow so genuine, that instead of boring the spectator , draws him in with a similar force that conquers Naima.

One of the most genuine culture presentations seen in a Movie, revealing and exciting and maybe a contribution to inter cultural understanding and acceptance.
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