Review of Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump (1994)
Vastly overrated, but still a very good movie...but please see "Being There"
6 July 2005
Way, way too many people think this is the greatest movie ever made. They clearly haven't seen enough movies and their idea of a great book must be something like "Tuesdays with Morrie."

Americans do tend to be a sentimental lot, fond of oversimplification and easy answers. Still, my China-born wife, daughter of a party member who didn't know ANY of the cultural or historical references when she first saw it, thinks it's the best American movie she's seen. So there is something universal and powerfully emotional here.

More than anything else, this is a work of superior craftsmanship that seems to inspire many people to read far too much into it. This is not a profound film, but it is a very well-made, highly entertaining one.

So many others have mentioned "Being There" as the smarter, meaner version of "Gump" that I'd like to add my voice to that chorus. It is a travesty that "Being There" is now largely forgotten. If you admire the structure of "Gump" make sure you get around to renting it. Hell, if you hate "Gump" get around to renting it.
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