Review of Blessed

Blessed (2004)
2 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I had put it off for the last 3 weeks because other films were out, but today, I finally lifted it off the Rental store shelf and took it home.

I'm not really a fan of any actors/actresses casted in the Movie so I stay totally neutral in this verdict and say - apart from the Movies slow pace, it was very interesting. I'm a 20 Year old lad who loves Action movies with lots of base so when my mates saw what movie I'd picked, they went home and left me to watch it alone. I cant say I was bothered as I cracked open some Wine (No beer in) and began to watch...

The Movie is slow. That has to be said has I wasn't even expecting the slowness. The characters, Samantha and Craig are introduced right away of course but their decision on having a baby was so quick, if you'd looked away, you'd have missed it! Anyways, they quickly head off to a fertilising clinic has Samantha cant get pregnant and they dive right into IVF. It works. Now, I was expecting the story to speed up alittle but it didn't. Other characters start to appear and before long, everything is all-so perfect! In fact, Samantha ain't just having one baby, but shes getting two! Good deal? No it ain't because the babies she's expecting have been injected with Lucifiers blood during the fertilisation. When the egg and sperm were put together, the blood was also injected into the equation leaving a very messy situation! The story follows Samantha through the Highs and lows of pregnancy. As well as that, we see Craig - the Author, float to the roof as he becomes a big name in the book industry. The twist to the story is in there. The funds from the book deal which go towards the Move from the City to Lake View (Where the Clinic is based) all come from the man who owns the Clinic. Sam and Craig don't know this, only Craigs agent did but she was killed off once she found out. It all makes sense and the only character who wasn't used to full effect was Andy Serkis, the Priest. He featured heavy at the end but the character was bland and basically meaningless in what happened.

Then there's the ending. I personally thought it was good apart from the poor kid who died due to his skin burning off and his eye balls which sunk into his skull. That part didn't really shock anyone in the movie, even though there was 30 something guests in the room. The fear could have been captured right there and then, but it was sadly lost and for that scene, my score is 6, but it could have been 7.

All in all, I wasn't disappointed. I was extremely satisfied! The Actors/Actresses were great. The story was alittle under used but still involving and Lake Views community gave this uneasy feeling as if they were all waiting for something. I am still unaware at this time but I think they were all in on it ;)
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