"Killing people isn't 'da bomb.'"
26 June 2005
Yet another disappointing low budget horror comedy. Serial Killing 101 has no real horror, and is not that funny either. I maybe laughed twice. It's not worth wasting your time with. It has made such a lasting impression on me that I can't even think of anything to write about...and I just finished watching it! That should let you know what kind of film it is. I expected a darkly humorous hit considering Thomas Hayden Church just got an Oscar nod. How do you go from this film to an Oscar nomination? Strange. Justin Urich (from Monster Man), Lisa Loeb (yeah, that one...and she's playing a 17 year old to boot), and Corey Feldman co-star. Fans of the Fel-dog should be warned, he has a tiny cameo.
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