Wow. One of the best movies I've ever seen. Imagine that.
24 June 2005
This is truly extraordinary; it knocks out just about every other "teen" or "young adult" movie I've seen. But it's totally unfair to limit it by labeling it that way; it's far, far better than any other movie of any kind I've looked at so far this year.

What we have here is a phenomenal ensemble cast of young actors, each of whom is capable of rich, multi-leveled performance, a first-rate director who makes time absolutely fly, gorgeous locations and a stunningly moving series of stories that is never once mawkish or overly sentimental. It has been years since I saw a film that makes me recalibrate my own definition of "good." This one does it; right now I find it hard to believe that I actually wrote nice things about "Mean Girls."

The humanity of this film is nothing less than astonishing; there is much for anyone of any age to savor here. I sincerely wish that this does not end up being the best film any of these four remarkable actresses make in their hopefully long careers...but it's hard to imagine a better one.
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