Good family movie... but has some problems for film buffs
18 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The first thing I want to say about this movie is that after the opening credits it has about 5 to 10 minutes of THE WORST acting (save Halle Berry's friend in Catwoman). BUT if you wait this out, you'll at least be entertained by the movie.

Herbie: Fully Loaded is definitely a family movie. If you're not going with a family, or aren't a long-time Herbie fan, wait until it's on DVD. Herbie is chock full of family-friendly humor and a tried-and-true Disney style storyline.

What's the story in a nutshell you ask? Well, Lindsay Lohan just graduates from college (no that's not a typo, they actually expect us to believe Lindsay Lohan is about 22, not the 18-19 that she looks.) Her father, Michael Keaton, takes her to a salvage yard to find a car for her graduation present. She finds Herbie, Herbie finds her, bing-bang-boom, she street races a NASCAR pro, Matt Dillon. Yada-yada-yada, stuff happens, typical Disney finish.

Now I had two MAJOR issues with the movies. First of those being that whenever CGI is used it is Blatantly obvious. Sometimes non-CGI effects are obvious too! What do I mean? In one shot where Herbie is doing some tricky driving, an incredibly mannish stunt driver in a ugly wig can be seen doubling (although silhouetted) for Lohan in Herbie.

Two, there are plot holes galore. I can't think of any off hand, but I remember noticing things that happened that didn't make much sense.

Also, this movie has some of the BEST MUSIC (compilation wise) I have ever heard in a movie. I'm not good with names of bands and songs, so I'm not sure if the good songs are on the soundtrack, but if they are, the soundtrack is a definite buy for any classic rock fan. If you completely ignore this review and see the movie by yourself (or on a date) SPECIFICALLY listen for the music.

All in all, this movie is a good family movie. Don't expect it to win any awards. If you can deal with lackluster CGI, a dud of a beginning, and a standard Disney storyline, then you'll be pleasantly entertained.

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