Dr. Jack (1922)
a nice comedy that only lasts about an hour
13 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
As you may or may not know, many of Keaton's and Lloyd's films were only about an hour long (more of less), as this was true of most movies made in the era before the Talkies.

The story is typical of many Lloyd films in that Harold falls for a sweet girl that he hardly knows and by the time the movie is over, he has won her heart! This is a Lloyd cliché and if you forgive this, you'll enjoy the film tremendously. However, one frequently occurring Lloyd touch is not present--his character (Dr. Jack) isn't portrayed as a wuss but as a generally liked and caring country doctor.

Ms. Talmadge is the daughter of a rich man who had been convinced she is very sickly and in need of constant attention from the quack, Dr. Saulsbourg. The family lawyer is a friend of the family and he sees right through this man, so he is pleased when he later meets Dr. Jack and his common-sense approach to medicine. He convinces Jack to drop by and take a look at the girl. Saulsbourg isn't happy about this and does what he can to get rid of Dr. Jack. He almost succeeds until an escaped maniac comes their way. How Dr. Jack actually uses this to his advantage is something you'll just have to see for yourself in this cute flick. After all, it runs at about 60 minutes, so you haven't much to lose!
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