Simply fascinating.
9 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
la vie conjugal.. see a picture of the cover here> http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0195387/

movie is aka "Anatomy of a Marriage; Conjugal Life" in America "Nel bene e nel male" in Italy "VEDYBINIS GYVENIMAS" in Lithuania "Zycie malzenskie : ona" in Poland

Perhaps I saw the film in the best possible way, but nonetheless, it captured my attention and remains the best illustration of the basic human plight with regards to communication (**). Conflicts between human beings happen all the time, but the intertwining of ones ego and perceptions result in a potent and difficult to stomach soup of misinterpretation leading to misunderstanding leading to mistrust.

This movie, more simply put, shows how it is that we don't understand the same things the same way; the beautiful world of relativistic understanding.

I first saw the film in circa 1996, I was killing time before I had to go to work, surfing the teevee. I happened onto IFC and although I missed maybe the first 15min of the film, this film caught my attention and I started to watch. Anyway, I had to go to work, so I saw maybe an hour; neither the beginning nor the end.

About a week later, I noticed it was coming on again shortly and since I enjoyed what I saw the first time, I thought I would like to catch both the beginning and the end. So I get settled in and the movie begins. As I am watching, after maybe a half hour, some of the scenes start to become familiar.. but they are just simply NOT the same that I saw the first time.. I honestly thought at this point (all the way to the end) that I was losing my mind. I just kept wondering how I could have remembered scenes so differently the first time. It wasn't that it was bad, just some of the details had changed and some different scenes that gave me very different impressions. The entire experience was really quite eerie. So the movie ends. I start to get up to turn off the IL' drug-of-the-nation and I am shocked as a second part begins.. the second part.. the part I watched the first time!?

To summarize the movie, it is a single story focusing on a relationship between two people. This story is first told from one individuals perspective (the woman I believe), the second from the other's. Complete with all the misunderstandings and struggle as they dual between their and their partners' ego and perceptions. Chaos ensues.

Simply fascinating.

(*) (**) incidentally, for a wonderful explanation of the basics of communication, do not hesitate to check at the IL' Internet Archive: Eames' "Communications Primer, A" as it has passed into the public domain.

ps. I looked for hard for this a couple of years ago and have only found copies of the film in France (!) unfortunately, only on pal :(
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