Review of 13 Going on 30

Pleasantly enjoyable.
3 June 2005
A young girl of thirteen is not having a very happy time at school and, after having some magic dust sprinkled on her, wishes she was thirty. Hey presto! she wakes up the next morning to find her wish come true; she's now thirty! But that doesn't mean that she's a girl of thirteen in the body of a woman of thirty; it just means that all those years in between have been erased from her memory. The woman she now is has worked her way to near the top of the tree and is the design editor of an up-market fashion magazine having out-gunned her school tormentor who's in a more junior position.

You have to suspend disbelief a huge amount in this film. Quite apart from the main ridiculous premise, she meets again her school sweetheart, played by Mark Ruffalo, who doesn't recognise her and who we are asked to accept she hasn't seen or spoken to for the past seventeen years, even though he lives just around the corner and works as as fashion photographer in the same business. She tries her very best to make him fall in love with her and they have a nice time together, but unfortunately he is engaged to be married. Does she get him in the end? Impossible too say; the end of the film is a puzzle.

I found all this very difficult to swallow. Why for instance doesn't she show the slightest curiosity about what she has been doing for the past seventeen years? But if you can put all this nonsense on one side, the film is very entertaining and has a very enjoyable dance sequence. However the whole film rests on the brilliant performance of Jennifer Garner and the film is worth seeing for her performance alone.
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