Man-o-Man, The Movie in History!
1 June 2005
She-Man is the worst movie ever filmed, the worst movie ever produced, the worst movie ever acted in, the worst movie ever directed, the worst movie ever filmed, the worst movie ever written, and the worst of the worst movies ever made.

In other words, She-Man is a piece of worthless, stinking, stinky, smelly, boring, lackluster, pile of junk! The cast looks like a bunch of rejects from a "Z" porn-film. Sorry, but the cast of Plan 9 From Outer Space looks like academy awarding winning performers compared to the cast of freaks in She-Man.

The story-line is so freaky. Cross-dressing soldiers, cross-dressing freaks, and freaks, creeps, and perverts in general. I repeat, She-Man is the Worst Movie Ever Made!
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