A disaster for the Puppet series
29 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Even for a made-for-TV-horror-movie, this was an awful movie and those who have been eagerly awaiting both the return of the Puppets and the anticipated clash between the two groups of living 'toys' (although I would never dream of calling Blade a 'toy')from Full Moon will be extremely disappointed.

For all of those who saw that exciting poster originally made by Full Moon, will feel at a loss to find out that the great 'clash' is actually more like a quick scuffle and that only four of the puppets (Blade,Jester,Pinhead and Six Shooter)and three of the toys (baby, bear and jack in the box) are actually present.The plot was all over the place and one couldn't connect with any of the characters because they were so poorly written.In addition to that, the effects were a disappointment (a far cry from the original crafted look of the puppets and the toys...they hardly looked like toys, more like cartoons)and it only got worse with the puppets getting their new look.

I do have to give the creators credit, however, by keeping the puppets good and the toys bad, that's what they originally were (if you're out of the loop about the good puppets, see Puppet Master 4 &5) and they did keep the origins of the two groups right as well, but besides that,there are NO connections to this movie from the originals.

What could've been such an great addition to both classic horror series turned out to be a great disappointment and insult to both franchises and I don't recommend adding it to your Puppet Master, Demonic Toys, or Full Moon collection.
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