Review of Oasis

Oasis (2002)
A dissenting voice...
28 May 2005
This movie is not romantic...

I'm sure this review will end up at the bottom of the pile, being voted down by all of the other people who seemed to have loved this film. The critics loved it. All of the people who have posted here have loved it. I will say that the direction, story, and acting were all good. But what other people don't seem to mention is that this movie is profoundly disturbing. It's filled with graphic images, sexual assault, and a gritty reality that (while infused with dream-like images) I cannot romanticize. As a special education teacher, I watched this film, applied it to people I know, and that made me cringe. My boyfriend and I rented this movie on Valentine's Day--it was my choice, and midway through the film he looked at me and said, "I can't believe you rented this for Valentine's Day!" I won't say this movie doesn't have good qualities, but what I will say is that I feel it has been misrepresented here on IMDb and on it's box cover, and that's why I'm posting this. It's perhaps more than you bargain for.

And if you go into this film expecting that, maybe you will even like it.

But personally, I don't see how people can find it romantic.
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