Troy (2004)
Fantastic despite its obvious shortcomings
28 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Primed as being spectacular and a dizzying summer blockbuster, I was excited to see Troy. Not only is it the type of movie that drags me to the cinema (Epics involving love, honor, bravery and of course beautiful men...gotta love them!) but also the cast included some of the hottest talents at the moment. I was initially neither here nor there about my feelings. I knew that I liked what I had just seen, it being my kind of movie, but I felt a bit at sea as to the degree of that like. I had a lot of initial criticisms, but now I find Troy still occupied my thoughts days later.

The story itself is a classic, and there is no doubt that the director chose to portray that classic in a way that would appeal to audiences worldwide.

The cast is a more interesting focal point. Brad Pitt, having taken a break from Hollywood, had undoubtedly chosen to come back with a bang. I initially thought that Pitt was miscast; an opinion that I felt very strongly about. The more I think about it...I still think that he was, although I cannot offhand think of anyone that could have potentially done a better job – The greatest problem for me is that in order to make the character memorable (and by memorable I mean NEVER being able to see anyone else play the character better) the actor needs to embody not only the words, but the character itself, in spirit, mind and body - you've got to own the role (E.g. Viggo as Aragorn – I mean, can you picture anyone else in that role? I didn't think so...) therefore, Brad was OK. He had the body down pat, the mind...urr...perhaps...the spirit...I think he tried... He managed to pull off a role that someone else could potentially have mucked up.

Where he lets down in some parts, he more than made up for in others. The scenes in which he seems emotional and vulnerable were beautiful and Pitt could not have done a better job there. For those scenes alone I rate his effort highly. But will he be forever remembered as embodying the character of Achilles? Will people ever see another film of similar nature and miss him as the warrior? I think not. But others may disagree. I too am caught in the man's beauty and appeal in the film. Perhaps that makes me totally biased. However, he did portray many of Achilles's traits with conviction. There just seemed to be something missing. His scenes with Rose Bryne, Briseis, were for me, some of the best in the film. She tamed the beast, and his vulnerable side was wonderfully contrasted with the glory-seeking scared warrior. I would have enjoyed greater character development here, but then again, they were not the primary love story.

There has been a lot of hype about Orlando Bloom. Many hated him; others loved him. I realize that the character of Paris is a soppy, rather wimpy one. With that in mind, I say that Bloom did a good job. He was wispy and innocent enough to pull the character through the movie. I am in no way saying that he could not have done better, but the part of Paris is clearly one that has not endeared him to fans. His previous roles, most recently LoTR and Pirates of the Caribbean, the former with hardly any dialogue, and the latter in the shadow of Johnny Depp, were both adequate, especially his endeavors with LoTR. I have to also admit that he charmed me in PoTC, so I really have no real problem with him. As an actor I cannot deny that he needs growth, but he portrayed Paris as any other actor would have done. (Perhaps with a little more weird facial expressions..) Diane Kruger though...what a disappointment! She is beautiful, no doubt, but the most beautiful woman...? I think not. Saffron Burrows as Andromache was much better in the acting department, and the looks, although on closer inspection seemed a tad too gaunt) Helen seemed rather indecisive and frankly, I cannot imagine any man risking life and country for her. She lacked adequate chemistry with Orlando too. She somehow seemed older and more mature...? Being the love story everything revolved around, this disappointed. However, my romantic illusions were more than adequately resolved with the Achilles/Briseis love story. Those two had a great chemistry, and outshone the aforementioned couple by a mile. But, I also realize that to find the perfect Helen, so beautiful, so elegant... a task I would not have wanted. I suppose that Diane's beauty is debatable. Some may think her stunning; others like me think she's beautiful, but not beautiful enough (what an absurd statement) Eric Bana was superb, excellent as Hector. Not only was he brave and strong, but also he loved his country and family and portrayed all these elements with sincerity and enough emotion to touch me. He definitely delivered one of the best performances, if not the best.

So, with this rather useless dissertation, I say that Troy is no Gladiator, but it touched me. I felt emotion envelop me as * SPOILER * Achilles knelt over Hector's body, and that brave, fearsome, arrogant warrior was humbled and sincerely vulnerable; and indeed the death scene (beautifully done by Brad and Rose) His, "you gave me peace in a lifetime of war" wrapped itself around my heart. Therefore, although this movie doesn't rank among my all time favourites, the DVD will be mine. And the more times I watch it, the higher my overall rating becomes. So the 7.5 to follow may have progressed to a 8.5 by the time you read this.

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