Byble references
25 May 2005
There have been many comments written and I don't want to repeat any of it. Czech authors know well how to make a great comedy, and they proved it in 70's. Most of them do not cause loud laughing, it's more a smile inducing type of movies. But going closer to present these movies become rare, and even smile is either vanishing or becoming bitter. I almost don't find any reason to consider this movie a comedy. It's surely not a Czech version of 'La vita e bella'.

The reason I send this post is kind of Byblical metaphor present in this movie, and (only) one poster (i_nealhoward@yahoo.com) wrote a good remark about it. There are some more examples I'd like to add.

Joseph and Mary, of course, have these names purposely. Mary has a child to save a world, at least their own small world. Joseph in movie is not a father of Mary's child, but she became pregnant with his knowledge and permission. David is the real father of Mary's child in the movie, and according to Bible Jesus is a descendant of king David.

Horst isn't Juda. He is more like a Roman soldier (centurion) played so great by Ernest Borgnine in Zefirelli's 'Gesu di Nazaret': he works for occupation army and fights against Jews, but he doesn't know the truth, and in the end (Jesus' death in Bible, child's birth in movie) he understands and starts believing. But there is Juda: it is Frantisek Simácek, the neighbor who tries to betray David to Nazis, but later works for communists and accuses Joseph (and others) for collaboration. He survives being always with the winners changing his attitudes (if having any) the way it's most convenient, profitable and safe. Kepke is Pilatus, once he understands his power is gone he apologizes (washes his hands), but too late to change the evil he's done. It might be going too far, but you can imagine the communist leader to be a kind of Herod, putting in jail or killing all the suspects just to be sure no enemy will escape. Also, he sends three co-workers to see the baby and check Joseph's story, like Herod who sent the Three Kings to find truth about birth of Jesus.

And the end scene can also have a religious aspect: in the world that needs hope, Joseph shows a child to surviving, and due to a holy child we can see dead that forgive each other and enable building the world of tolerance and forgiving - the world of love, hope and peace.
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