Perfect Strangers (2001– )
23 May 2005
I was totally enthralled. I thought this was one of the best things I have seen on Television. I still think about it several years later and will certainly get a copy to keep in my collection to watch again. But not too often - I don't want to spoil a good thing by over familiarity. Since I first saw Perfect Strangers I have sought out everything Stephen Poliakoff has written. I have not been disappointed with the quality of his other plays and television writing. He is simply brilliant. In the Perfect Stranger the cast was Perfect with the mood evocative of an earlier gentler more refined age. Understated, sad, interesting nostalgia but never overly sentimental nor cloying. The sort of thing which British television is so good at. It would be unfair to pick out any particular aspect for praise as it was all so good. Having said that however I must mention Claire Skinner. I don't know why she has not become an A list Superstar. Maybe that is her own choice, but I would rather go and see her in anything she does rather than see any of the other so-called superstars. Maybe she is just famous on British television but if so Amercian television and Hollywood have certainly missed the boat by not grabbing her.
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