Review of Bat*21

Bat*21 (1988)
Two percent fact 98% distortion.
22 May 2005
Here is a movie that had they stuck to the actual fact s would have been so exciting and completely engrossing. Instead they used two great actors and got a piece of schlock not worthy of the film its printed on. The only parts that were close to accurate were the actual shoot down and the loss of the H-3 crew (who were not returned until 1995? for burial at Arlington). The Danny Glover character was a back seater in a OV-10 Bronco and was shot down the day after Hambleton and needed rescue too.

Subsequently after 2 plus weeks several downed aircraft a Navy SEAL and SVN Navy PO stole a peasants fishing skiff paddled up river passing enemy machine gun nest and had a running gun battle on the way back. The SEAL was given the MEDAL OF HONOR and the PO the USN Navy Cross the only NC given to a South Vietnamese sailor ever.

There's a book by the same name as the movie written by a Air Force vet and current airline captain that is very good and I'd recommend it highly.

Aa sad postscript when Hambelton was asked how he could act as technical adviser on a movie that dishonored so many men who died trying to save him he replied "When they offer you that kind of money you can't turn it down". Get the book, you won't regret it and you'll read about real heroes.

Here's a movie that if remade true to actual events would full theaters with everyone on the edge of their seats. One final tid bit he was only 2 miles behind the "lines".
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