keep an open un-PC corrupted mind
18 May 2005
Larry Smallbut is bitten by a transvestite so when the moon is full he turns into a limp-wristed queen. He has to try to get back on the straight and narrow. All these people who complain about anything that that see as the tiniest bit 'homophobic' and nitpick about the differences between gay and cross-dressers need to get their head out of their asses (pardon the pun). And it only shows that being PC is sadly alive and well. For the rest of us (Ie. SANE people), we can see that it's JUST a movie. Funny at times, stupid at others (the whole hillbilly thing), but anyone who rants against the film not for what it is, but for what their narrow-minded views conceive it as being are just sad. My star rating will be higher than my graded rating in an effort to rectify that. (again no pun intended)

My Grade: C-

DVD Extras: 26 minute documentary "Curse of the Queerwolf: Completely from Behind"; a 1 and a half minute clip of the queerwolf's debut in "A Polish Vampire in Burbank"; Mark Pirro biography; and theatrical trailer

Eye Candy: Cynthia Brownell gets topless; Darwyn Carson in a see-thru bra
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