Creative, Funny, Intelligent, and much more
18 May 2005
Funny, creative, insightful, savvy...

It is apparent that the aforementioned is what Joel Hodgson (the creator) set as standards for his work on television, comedy performances, and of-course the MST3k series. Probably these values veered the young comic and writer away from taking part in developing what has been described then as a sub-par sitcom in the yearly 80's. Even at the urging from Brandon Tartikoff, then savior and President of NBC (the lets all be there era president) to come aboard, Hodgston elected to devote his time to develop classy and intelligent comedy. This proclivity for quality entertainment, would eventually bring us Mystery Science Theater 3000.

If creativity and having the ability to reach an audience are some of the key factors in producing a quality program, then MST3K is a clear winner. We all sat through bad films, both of the high and low budget types, and thought to ourselves "What were they thinking?". MST3K provided a release to all who have been the victim of really sub par productions, via some very crafty and prehensile commenting during the viewing of said bad movies.

The in-between movie skits were very entertaining, and provided character development for the cast. Soon you will forget that Crow ,Tom Servo, and Gypsy are robots, as they all have very real and likable personalities. Although, they do sometimes require a "time out" by their creator, Joel.

Hodgston left the series for various reasons, such as having the freedom to pursue other ventures. After all, creating and developing is what Joel likes best. The show would see a few more changes to it's cast and skit development, but transitioned smoothly and was well received by it's fans.

Mystery Science Theator survived one cancellation after it was picked up by the SCIFI channel, after Comedy Central decided to go in a different direction. If anyone has ventured into viewing the present day Comedy Central, one would surmise that they took a wrong turn somewhere.

In it's 10 year run (actually 11 if you count it's local days on Minnesota's KTMA), established a loyal fan following, of what are known as "Misties". There was even a fan-club, where misties could acquire a membership card.

I'm not sure if most of the recent major networks sitcoms will be missed half as much, even the ones with monster ratings. Sometimes a network just "gets it", and provides an outlet for quality entertainment, disregarding "big ratings", and not going with the "lowest common denominator". MST3K will always be a classic, and will always be loved by all misties worldwide.
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