Good movie, feels quite real
17 May 2005
Don't listen to the overall bad advice from the simonsayz-1 user. This is a truly good movie, about friendship and love, with not too much sugar (a little it has, for it is a romantic comedy; but even the movie itself makes fun about that sugar). The main couple (boy and girl) are shown making jokes about sex more than once, in a relaxed and innocuous tone (but not frivolous!) which you won't find often anywhere else, that's really refreshing and helps to kill some taboos.

Milla is great in her role, a warm and nice girl choosing a boyfriend after careful consideration AND not tying him too tight, that is, letting him figure it out by himself and then choose. Contrary to what other comments here say, that point of view is rarely heard of in movies, at least it is quite new to me.

It is true the main male character is a little irritating, has a peculiar and not quite easy personality, but IN FACT this is what makes this movie more believable, as that is closer to reality, to how people is in the real world: we are not perfect, we try to better ourselves every day, and we search for happiness even if we are not without faults and not Hollywood-canon-perfect. That is what this movie is about.

I say 8/10 stars.
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