Rapid Fire (1992)
Brandon Lee: Arse-kicking under-grad
12 May 2005
'Rapid Fire' goes down as one of my favourite Brandon Lee movies, joining 'Showdown in Little Tokyo', 'Laser Mission', and 'The Crow'. Oh wait. Yeah, I'm just a Brandon Lee fan boy. Brandon was awesome. 'Rapid Fire' is awesome.

Brandon plays Jake Lo, a college student majoring in arse-kicking. Jake witnesses the murder of a drug-lord by mafia boss Antonio Serrano (Nick Mancuso). Jake is put under the Witness Protection Program for a whole of five minutes before discovering that the agents supposed to protect him are, in fact, on Serrano's payroll. Jake has no choice but to team up with Chicago cop Mace Ryan (Powers Boothe) and kick some gangster arse. Awesome.

Right from the start, 'Rapid Fire' is pretty much a showcase for Brandon Lee's martial-arts abilities. He was awesome on-screen in this, as in his other movies, and could pull off some really cool action scenes. Apparently Brandon was a fan of Jackie Chan, and it shows in this: Brandon uses easily recognizable stunts and fights from 'Police Story' (among other movies) and does them just as well as Jackie Chan did originally.

You won't find any semblance of a plot in this. 'Rapid Fire' is an action movie, the only difference between this and any other action movie is that Brandon played a college student instead of any usual action hero type. Naturally, this college student also knows how to kick butt, so there goes any developed plot, in favour of Brandon Lee kicking arse. Awesome.

Simply, 'Rapid Fire' is an awesome action movie. Brandon Lee rocked, may he rest in peace - 9/10
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