Disney's Little House is not good for fans
9 May 2005
Books are almost always better than the movie made out of the book. And Disney's version of Little House on the Prairie is no exception. While the 1974 series did not follow the book completely, it did at least follow the story line and story elements a bit more closely than this new Disney version is doing. In one scene, in the movie, Laura is arguing with Mary whether brown or blonde hair is prettier. That happened in the book. But am I the only one who noticed that the Disney Laura also has blonde hair??? What's up with that? Couldn't they at least have dyed her hair...if not to look more like the historical Laura, then at least for making that one scene make sense?

Disney has taken so many liberties with the story line, I don't understand why they left the title intact. I might have liked the story more if it had just been another pioneer film. The scene with the wolves is another example of too much liberty with the story line.

I was watching this with my girls, but we found better things to do on a Saturday evening. This particular Disney film gets four thumbs down (I'm including my big toes as thumbs).
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