Review of Fever Pitch

Fever Pitch (2005)
I hope Drew got a LOT of money for being in this crap.
9 May 2005
Is this the worst movie I've ever seen? Mmm, not sure- I'm almost sixty and I've seen a lot of movies. But for sure it's the worst movie I've seen in this century, which means it was even worse than COLD MOUNTAIN and that's pretty bad.

The problem that I couldn't get around is that I simply could't believe the story. The "leading man" is an extremely sick puppy. Although an adult in years he has a baseball obsession that completely over-rules everything else in his life. Drew goes to his apartment and finds that he has only one 'normal' set of clothes: all of his other clothes are Red Sox logo items. His towels. His sheets. Everything. This is an obsession that completely rules his life. In the real world this man would be hospitalized or in intense therapy- in Hollywood, he's a love interest. Go figure.

The worst part is that you know that Drew is going to wind up in love with this guy. It's a mainstream studio movie so you know she's not going to walk off into the sunset alone: Fox has too much invested on her and she's the only 'big name' performer in view here. Maybe for Drew's next project she can remake just the first act of PSYCHO. Marian can learn to adjust to Norman's taxidermy fetish, sort out his mother obsession, and it can end with Marian and Norman taking a shower together.

That would at least be sick fun. The worst thing, FEVER PITCH is boring. It seemed to me that it ran about ten hours, and I thought it would never be over.

Do you get the impression I really hated this movie? You're right.
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