better than it has any right to be...
4 May 2005
a friend of mine is a critic, and received an advance screener of this. we decided to watch together.

the film centers around an over-the-top character named mistour long fellow, who, tells stories. this is a ridiculous set-up for the stories themselves, but at least it was breezy and refreshing.

the first story, albeit short, is to the point - with mediocre acting but very well-done gore effects.

the second story is about a fellow who works in a convenience store that comes across a mystical box of chocolate bars. they turn the antagonists into zombies - and, hence, there is a final confrontation that is both breezy and entertaining.

the last story has martin sheen's dopleganger brother as the manager of a hotel. his performance is both undeniably creepy and silly. there is no gore to speak of in this story, but it has great acting throughout and nice usage of locations, creating some good atmosphere.

all in all, a nice little film that seems to have fallen under the radar. definitely worth a look for anthology fans.

it also features the man who played the "maniac cop" and the lady who was the killer in "sleepaway camp".
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