Really Is the Worst Movie of All Time
3 May 2005
I am somewhat of a bad movie connoisseur. I love MST3K, TROMA offerings, and 80s direct- to-video atrocities. They are charming in their own right, especially if they have high camp value, and don't take themselves too seriously. "Riding the Bus with My Sister" is a different creature altogether. It exacts a price. There is no aspect of viewing this movie that can be deemed entertaining, insightful, or moving. Not only is it bad (and by bad I mean horribly produced, directed, shot, written and acted), but it is also pretentious, preachy and resides in the out-most boundaries of political correctness. Everyone associated with this film, right down to the extras and craft service people, should be ashamed of themselves for putting this putridity into the world. Granted, it does appeal to the absolute lowest common denominator of "film" viewers, people who eagerly anticipate TV movies of the week, but for anyone with even a whisper of discernment, this film will leave you feeling depleted, confused, angry and dirty.
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