The Purifiers (2004)
Oh My Giddy Aunt!
2 May 2005
I was casually shelving movies at my work today (a blockbuster store) and I saw a movie that caught my eye as I saw the words "From Lost" on it. So I picked it up, expecting it to have some minor character from lost in it considering I had never heard of the movie before when … A movie with Dom in it about martial Arts… How could it not be awesome!?!?

Well… Unfortunately, to tell the truth, I thought it is pretty bad. I wanted to like it, and I tried my best, but it was just so boring!

To tell the truth I only watched 3/4 of it… I just could not make myself watch the end it was that bad. I could probably bring myself to watch the end or the whole movie again... but only if every single other movie in the world decided to spontaneously combust.

I know everybody had their own opinion but honestly… and I am not just saying this but I do not think any body would like this film. I think this is the reason I had never heard of it… cause it is was not that successful.

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