Justice was not served for these boys!!
29 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
First, I'd like to that I do feel very sorry for the victims family, and I do believe that the boys who participated in the fighting and the ONE boy who stabbed needed to be punished. The ones who fought should have got assault and the boy who had the knife, should have gotten assault with a deadly weapon and murder. However the boys who did not participate in any crime, who didn't even know why they were there in the first place, (yet alone what was going on due to the fact that they were drinking) should have never even been tried for murder at all. I understand that they were under age drinking, but does that mean that they are murderers. There are many people who have or do drink under age and do stupid things, or are around when their friends do stupid things. That doesn't make them murders, criminals, or dangers. They may not have made the best choices in friends or what not but to say someone, a teenager at that, making a stupid choice to drink and tag alone with friends not knowing what is going on, and ending up in a bad situation is to be held responsible for someone else's actions is ignorant. The parents of the victim down the other boys, and say they need to be watched and in jail, but did they ever stop to think that if they had maybe been watching their son and what he was doing things might have been different. I'm not saying it's their fault at all, but as a member of the LAPD the father didn't even know or if he did over looked that his soon was smoking and/or selling pot. That doesn't speak to strongly to me as someone who is watching their kids very well either. Don't get me wrong I don't think the boys who fought or stabbed anyone are better or anything, they did wrong but you can't over look all the things that went wrong on the other side. The wrong that sent the other boys, who committed no murders, and had no idea what was going to happen, to jail for the rest of their lifers.
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