Review of Flirt

Flirt (1995)
This is the ONLY movie that I have ever walked out of
28 April 2005
The EXACT scene was played out over and over again WORD for freaking WORD but the gimmick was this same dull scene was acted out by DIFFERENT people in DIFFERENT cities.

Wow! What a concept!

When we got to what I think was the third go round with the gay couple, I just said to myself, "you've got to be an idiot to endure one more second of this garbage"! At that moment, for the first and only time in my film going history, I had ZERO interest in the balance of a film. I stick with even the most boring and goriest of movies because there is always hope that things will improve. Maybe, just maybe, I'll get something out of the experience. Not this time. "Flirt" was just too unbearable to stay in the theater.

What a piece of SCHIT!

Lowest possible rating 1/10
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