Review of Hey Boy

Hey Boy (2003)
Good start - but boring otherwise
26 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this film last night and was quite excited about the prospect of seeing the new works of one of our local filmmakers. It started of good with the 2 main characters standing on a hill outside Johannesburg and commenting on how difficult it was being born heterosexual. It then starts with a "Trainspotting" intro and I thought here was going to be at last a funky and hip South African production. However that was the end of the fun. The story resounds over two men; one who cannot get over past loves and one that cannot commit to one person only. These "themes"; if you would like to call it that; is repeated over and over again and everything becomes quite predictable. One of them then starts teaching sexual behavior for an honors degree class at Wits (This from a person who cannot get over a girl he dated for 2 weeks one year ago????) and the actor totally overacts the part.

We are then shown the other man (Berry) hooking up with every type of cliché possible and then dropping them at the end only to fall in love with the one you knew he was going to fall in love with as this was the only one he did not sleep with. There are also several different sub-stories that I cannot for the life of me figure out how it works in to the story? I do believe that money for production was a factor but this does not excuse a very poor script. Brendan Pollecut (Berry) and Karin van der Laag are the 2 gems in this movie and I do believe they have great talent but they need stronger roles and hopefully our industry will grow more to expose their talent.

I only recommend this movie to someone who is really into new South African films.
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