25 April 2005
The long awaited sequel to Carrie? Anything is possible. The Rage: Carrie 2 was mostly the weirdest thing I've ever saw. Knowing what Carrie started and Rachel left off. It was fair enough to see one of the survivors of Carrie's wrath working at the new high school. And a new outcast Rachel(Emily Bergl) whose friend commits suicide at the school. This character didn't quite fit in with her foster family. Because her mother is a nutshell. And the jocks were the real heels of the movie. The plot kinda mirrors the first movie, but unlike the first "Carrie" with Sissy Spacek, Emily Bergl's Rachel was meaner looking. And there was no blood spatter in this one. Although RACHEL'S WRATH was much MUCH worse than Carrie's. Her tattoo comes alive, her powers is unleashed and everyone is in deep trouble, including the last survivor of the first movie. She really defined the term "pokerface". CDs and flying glass were effective on everyone who crossed and deceived her. Rachel was indeed deadlier than Carrie. But one question left me to wonder, did she perish? Only time will tell. This movie was weird compared to the first, and I out of all people would think twice on making her mad! Rating 2.5 out 5 stars.
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