Review of Lethal

Lethal (2005)
Cinematic dreck
22 April 2005
I can normally manage to find something really salvageable out of bad movies. Heck, I enjoyed Highlander II so much that I've seen it more times than can possibly be good for me and *still* like it, even though I now know the plot holes it causes in the Highlander universe. But this piece of cinematic dreck takes the complete biscuit.

It is bad.

It is, in fact, arguably the worst film of 2004.

And the really sad thing about it is, it needn't have been. The opening scene was a scene of true promise. The story suggested that the plot would revolve around two rival gangs chasing after a thief who'd stolen their plans - no guarantees that would have actually been better, but at least it might have been interesting. Instead, through some deluded idea that t-n-a sells movies, what we got was 80 some odd minutes of laughably stupid film making interspersed with hysterically bad action - action that's made worse by the very obviously small stunt crew.

If you watch one movie this year, watch ANYTHING but this.

I think I'd rather stick forks in my eyes than watch this film again.
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