So kewl!
19 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
All I can say is WOW! This movie has it all! I like that the filmmakers didn't feel the need to dress up the villain in "scary" makeup or give him any personality; too many horror movies these days fall back on making their villain all scary looking and sardonically witty, or at least give him a back story that drives his desire to kill, as if that makes him more "legitimate" or something. Not this movie. This movie's villain wears only a baseball uniform with his name on it and says next to nothing--now *that's* scary. That's my kind of killer. Plus it has a kickin' pop-punk soundtrack! I wonder if it's available on CD....that way I could drive around listening to the pop-punk music I like and at the same time remember all the cool scenes from this movie. Like the scene where the one girl's boyfriend gets all mad because he doesn't know what's going on, or the other scene where the boy's girlfriend gets all mad because only she knows what's going on but no one believes her, or the scene where the totally bogus authority figures don't believe what's going on...until it's too late that is! Yes, believe it or not, those scenes and more are in this very movie! Plus it has girls in cheerleader uniforms! Oh, and a kick-ass scene where the Chinese-looking guy from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers busts out some Chinese Fu or whatever it is, and gets all martial arts on some people. Seriously! You're sitting there thinking, "Man, how can this movie get any cooler? Oh wait, that Power Ranger guy's Chinese. I bet he knows karate." Then all of a sudden, BAM! He whips out the karate! It's un-freakin-believable! See this movie today!
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