Wishmaster (1997)
great premise, missed payoff
17 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Wishmaster is a movie that promises the world and only delivers a continent. It's not a bad movie, in fact, it's a very good horror movie. It's just that the premise was great, but the payoff wasn't.

Andrew Divoff played the title role of the djinn very well, and hammed it up as the human host, Nathaniel Demerest. Good IL' Freddy K, also known as Robert Englund, had a small role, but played it well. I actually don't recall much else of the cast (sorry people, it's been a couple of months since I saw the movie). The make up on the djinn was neato-keen and the special effects are better then average.

If ever a movie was made for the villain to win, it was this movie. I suppose the ending was fine, but oh how I wanted the evil djinn to win. I know I'm human and I should root for the human but I was hoping to see the djinns take over the world.

Why won't film makers, if the main character is a villain/monster let the guy win?
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