Doom 3 (2004 Video Game)
being loose on the Moon with a big shining chainsaw
15 April 2005
To me, Video Games are an Art, because it's about creating new worlds with their own new rules and laws, the sensations experienced with Video Games appear to be different from anything you can ever feel with any other sentiment stimulator's such as some products of various types of Art or drugs. therefore Video Games are very unique achievement of humanity.

First things first. I think it's impossible to talk on Doom III and not to mention Graphics, the key element to make Doom III a cult game. Making Doom III with revolutionary game engines, graphics workstations and some other advanced technologies, in which I understand very little, turned it into truly marvelous and brilliant visual experience, which is really unique. Compilation of red (blood) and black (darkness) is something worth seeing. I think in the aspect of graphics, Doom III is a flawless game and it obviously deserved its award on MTV Video Games awards received in nomination of best computer graphics of 2004. And one more thing: I think the sound mixing in Doom III was really the best ever.

Horror aspect in Doom III: I'm saying yes, it was scary and creepy as Hell, I have never been in such harrowing atmosphere of horror and fear since those Resident Evil worlds. I think It was achieved by manifold factors: monsters design was really awesome, they looked indeed scary, their unpredictable and versatile movements made my heart beat faster every time I was facing them. I kept having them in my nightmares long after I finished Doom III. As for discontents of some gamers about too many so called 'cheap shocks' (unexpected appearances of monsters from corners, sudden sounds of absorbing screams etc.) in game, I'd say that it's quite normal in such type of games. It's not a movie, it's a game and shocks can't be cheap in here. the effect of unexpectedness can be manipulated endlessly in the Video games. Another factor is the genre of the game: mixture of Science Fiction and Horror. Such combinations always work, at least it helps to create the proper milieu. Didn't really like those mystic elements attending the game though. All those esoteric and mysterious things like ghosts and souls and flying heads seemed a bit out of place. The setting and storyline were a huge contributor to the horror aspect. wandering around various facilities on Mars and constantly being attacked by various kind of monsters from zombies with chainsaws to giant unidentified dreadful objects was scary.

There is a lot of graphic violence in Doom III, which thanks to great graphics looks realistic, but in context it is mild. The perfect example of difference between graphic and content violence is GTA. In GTA you decapitate a passer by with a chainsaw and the next few seconds the only thing you can see on the screen is streams of gallons of human blood in slow motion gushing from the headless body, and that is as violent as it gets but graphically it looks cartoonish and unreal. In the case of Doom III, every drop of blood, every human organ so cautiously partitioned from the body has a very realistic look and it affects, but you can't argue that in context despite the graphical depiction, killing hundreds of ordinary people in the streets without any reason using several tools from medieval weaponry to modern rocket propelled grenades is much more violent than terminating the army of evil creatures in order to save your own life and Earth. but, still, I enjoyed turning those baby face angels into pile of bloody flesh with my big shining chainsaw.

Doom III is a great Video Game. I loved it from the very first frame. I have some kind of illness and I am restricted by my doctor to play the Video Games for more than an hour per day, but in the case of Doom III I couldn't resist myself and I spent nights traveling through the marvelous world of truly impressive experience. Doom III might not be the best game ever, but it definitely is one of the best.
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