Not exactly critically aclaimed but not as bad as they say.
15 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS THROUGHOUT: Despite how much this movie is disliked, I'm a fan. I cannot help it, it's funny! There's this fun quality to it and Monica Potter is so talented(as good as Sandra Bullock-that's quite a compliment), and the models are SO funny. I am a big fan of romantic comedies but hate vulgar humor so this movie doesn't make an 8 for me, simply for that reason. If not for the vulgarity of some of the humor it probably would have, because this is a fun, zany modern romantic comedy. I love the party atmosphere, the spoofs on models(though these models MADE The movie.) Unfortunately for Fredy Prince Jr., while he was good, it was the females, in this movie that stole the show. Monica Potter is wonderful, the models are goofy yet so likable, always up to something and there's a bit of sex and the city in this. I could see women liking it more then men even though there are A lot of pretty women featured in this. But there's so many BAD romantic comedies out there. At least this isn't boring.

I happen to HATE bathroom humor in movies. The movie really made an error in some of it's scenes and that is why it only gets a 7 from me and not an 8. I think the movie was trying to appeal to EVERYONE, (the teen crowd, the over 21 clubbing crowd, the chick flick lovers, fans of pure slapstick, etc etc). The movie should have made up it's mind what type of movie it was. In spite of the disgusting, ridiculous few scenes thrown in, I liked this so much it surprises me! Usually any movie that has this kind of humor would not get a 7 from me.

But there's just something about this. It's FUNNY and it's funny immediately, and I'm not talking about the bathroom humor(the first half of this is better then the second.). You just start laughing and keep up. It'll never make it into my favorite romantic Comedies(thanks to those above mentioned scenes) but it's still a fun movie.
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