Frankenfish (2004 TV Movie)
Is that thing biting you?
14 April 2005
To fully appreciate this film, you are going to need to think outside the Hollywood box, anticipate the horrible acting, and prepare yourself for some creative CGI because this isn't your typical horror film. This is a amazing family dynamic picture under the rouse of a "B" rated cheese film. Think about it. Throughout the film we are being bombarded with thoughts and hints of trying to build a family structure during this time of disaster. Our human heroes are consistently trying to get with each other to perhaps build a long relationship. There are the nudists that already have that family dynamic, there is the revenge bent friend that wants to kill Frankenfish because he ruined his family, then there is the voodoo woman trying to use potions to make her daughter fall in love with the cop that loves to rumble with frankenfish. We have all of these family motives staring us in the face, but then we have a subliminal one happening as well. Not to exploit the ending for those that haven't seen this fine film yet, but we need to think of the Frankenfish as more than just aquatic demons. In the story of Frankenstein, Shelly means for us to see the beast as more than just a monster, but instead a human trying to enter a cruel society. Perhaps these same themes were to be implied with Frankenfish. Perhaps the fish were not killing the humans, but trying to fit into the other fish society. Think about it. Here we have humans killing fish for their pleasure, I am sure that the fish in the bayou are not happy about that, so whom do they ask to help … the frankenfish. They are just trying to raise a family, survive in a humanistic society, and also be accepted into their own fish society underwater. These are very complex fish and I think also very misunderstood in this film.

Outside of this deeply rooted theme, the film itself is not as shabby as I thought it would be. The story is jumbly, the acting is atrocious, and the only enjoyable moment that this film has going for it are the frankenfish themselves (where apparently a huge portion of the budget went to create them). Yet, I wasn't expecting a high caliber of film here, I was expecting Muppets or puppets instead of the CGI created fish that honestly brought some horror to the screen. They were spooky, and semi-humorous at the same time. They reminded me of older horror films and the carnage that our forefathers of horror used to bring to us. There was just something genuine about these creatures that propelled (HA … pun there) this film into a much better category than I first anticipated. Then, there was the actual fear factor. While I wasn't frightened of this film, my wife had a field day. Everyday I learn something new about her, and this time it was the fact that she takes some small pleasure in watching these "B" horror films. She was a huge fan of Boa vs. Python, which fits right into this same category. There is something spectacular about a film that gives you what you went in hoping for. If you are expecting gruesome deaths, some nudity, and fantasy action, then you will not walk away from Frankenfish unhappy.

Is it bad to have such a low expectation of a film when first walking into it? I don't think so. I mean, honestly, unless you read Fangora or Film Fanatic magazine, you may not discover these "under the radar" films that may surprise you. Working in a video store, I walked by this title at least a thousand times thinking how bad it must be because nobody is renting it, when in fact, when I decided to break the mold and experience it, I was impressed. Low expectations of the film caused a positive reaction.

Overall, was this film great? Nope. Was it good? I would have to raise my hand, probably in some embarrassing situation, and say "yes". Frankenfish provided two hours of very decent entertainment and created this new monster for generations to enjoy. It followed a simple Hollywood structure, but somehow bent it to create its own sensation. The fish were frightening, while the ending provided a decent open-door policy for a sequel. Will the sequel be as good? No, I don't think so, but for those looking for some decent action, a passive story, and some Frankenfish (sans the bolts and lightening), then you may be pleasantly surprised by this little ditty of a film. I know my wife and I were!!

Grade: **** out of *****
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