Even if you like bad movies steer clear of this one
12 April 2005
This is one of the most horrid movies I have ever seen and we have had some real stinkers at my Universitie's bad movie night. Truly this ranks with such horrid cinematic effluence such as "Robot Monster" which at least had the benefit of being fun to watch, this atrocious affair does not even have that going for it, and the puppet animation has to be seen to be believed it is just that terrible. The acting switches from absent to way way overdone, and the setting is obviously Eastern US and not a tropical island. The film stock itself seems to have problems, and there is no lighting except for natural light sources in each scene so some parts of the movie have almost no light in them at all. To top it off filters are sometimes put on and removed from the camera in the same scene. Even if you are a fan of terrible films stay far far away from this film as it lacks the qualities that make other such films fun to watch.
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