An Highly Visible Movie (dvd)
12 April 2005
This movie is a good surprise.

It tells the story of a modern invisible man. There is no question about experiment, mad scientist, etc... because the hero is a simple trader, and his life turns into a mess the day he becomes accidentally invisible.

On this simple idea, this movie succeeds in a lot of genres: it is a fantasy movie, a comedy, a thriller, a romance, a Carpenter's movie with a subtle critic of America....

The locations are also very enjoyable and spouses well the need of the story: the urban life of San Francisco & the countryside near the ocean. In the city, the action is dynamic, while in the country, there is much time for reflexion.

All the tricks of the invisibility are well done. Every 5 minutes, you will be delighted to see a funny, inventive shot. On the psychological side, all the implications of this situation are confronted: the loneliness, the power, oneself's identity, the value of appearance, etc....

At least, all the actors are wonderful: Hannah delivers her traditional but so much sensitive portray of a delicate, naive, sincere woman. Chase excels with his attitude and he sure brought his comedy experience.

In conclusion, congratulations Mr. Carpenter !!! Your talent have blended harmoniously all this, and in spite of of being far away of your traditional horror movie, you prove that you are a great director !!!!
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