9 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers

You know, it's important in B-movies to deliver the B-movie thrills. That should be pretty obvious. Cheap thrills man. That's what it's all about. Some breasts here, a little blood there. "Ripper 2" pretends to give you all of this but then gleefully pulls the rug out from under you.

I thought I was watching a movie about a female Jack the Ripper but apparently I was wrong. The filmmakers must have watched "The Matrix" a few dozen times and became infatuated with the concept of make believe worlds. A girl checks into an insane asylum. She thinks she's related to Jack the Ripper. A doctor wants to mess with her mind and screw up the movie. She says yes please. The rest of the movie has her running from a grim reaper-looking maniac, (or is he?), while a lot of nothing happens to people that may not exist.

If it all sounds confusing, don't worry. As long as you remember not to watch this movie, you'll have nothing to worry about.
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