I liked this movie a lot!
8 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this movie. It was so funny! I wish they stuck with the original actors. The guy who played Rocky in the first movie was really good. His kicks were really good. I should know I take karate and I'm two away from a black belt. Colt was really good too. Tum Tum was so adorable. My favorite line of the movie is when Tum Tum says "Don't you just hate us?". He was so cute when he said it. I'm definitely getting these movies for my DVD collection. The guy who played Rocky in the first movie was really cute too. It's too bad that he quit acting. He is a really great actor and even though he is like twice my age he sounds pretty cool. Has anybody seen any of these actors recently? I would really appreciate any new information about them. They were really great! (Guess what? I'm Japanese too, man this movie is a lot like me!)
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