The first movie I ever walked out of
8 April 2005
I saw this movie when it first came out and up to that point in my life I made it a point of staying to the very end - no matter how awful the movie was. I almost made it, although I had watched too much to get a refund. I think the reason I hated this movie was it couldn't make up its mind as to what kind of movie it was, trying to be both a comedy and a drama, it was neither funny nor dramatic. For the longest time this movie was my choice for the worst movie ever made, it wasn't until eleven years later when Streisand reached her career nadir with Yentl that Up the Sandbox was replaced. Other reviewers have called this movie one of her best. Do not be fooled, the ways the dream sequences are revealed is annoying and distracting, the simplistic (but not quaint) liberal ideas are painful to watch and listen to. To blame the release of What's Up Doc for the failure of this movie's box office success is ludicrous. The movie failed because it is no good.
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