I Am David (2003)
Great film.....but the end.
6 April 2005
Well I loved the movie,I taught it was touching,the acting was great, The music was apropriate.Ben Tibber was good but I think it was because he was well cast more than his acting,I have watched him in "A Christmas Carol" and in various interview and he seems to be like David in real life,the same expression and all,his perfect for the part of David.Jim caviezel was good but wasn't much in the film,he was David mentor and you see him in a couple of flashback,they put him on the poster for the film because they needed a bit of star power to bring people in I think.Joan Plowright was great but I don't feel we knew everything about her character at the end of the film. And that brings me to what I didn't like about the film,it feels unfinished,for an hour and a half you follow David journey hoping for a big beautiful,touching ending what you get is.....A MUSIC VIDEO.It's like the director spent too much time on the rest of the film that he had to give us a quick ending.I'm sorry but that did spoil the movie for me,the end was the most important part of the story and it was rushed,it was done in such a way that it wasn't moving at all,the modern song was too distracting,it just didn't go with the rest of the film.Such a shame if it wasn't for the ending I'm sure I would have given this film a 9 out of 10. Well,good film wasted by a rushed ending. 6 out of 10
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