Well at least now they won't have that house to play around with any more
4 April 2005
***SPOILERS*** Hell literally freezes over in this third and final chapter of the infamous Amityville House by the river with the place being blown to bits taking an entire crew of ghost investigators, or busters, and ghost detectives along with it.

I wondered watching the movie unfold if it was the two investigative reporters for the skeptical Reveal Magazine John & Melanie, Tony Roberts & Candy Clark, trying to be too smart about their ability to expose psychic frauds that lead to the horrors that happened to them as well as everyone else in the movie. Doing their job in exposing psychic frauds both John & Melanie flush out the Caswells, John Beal & Leora Dana, in a phony and staged psychic reading that they gave them for their dead young son Ricky in, of all places, the Amityville Horror House.

Feeling good about himself in his job as a "Ghost Exposer" John really goes overboard by buying the dangerous and haunted house himself since no one wants to not only live in it but even live next to it. With John about to move into the haunted house strange things begin to happen. The real estate agent Clifford Sanders, John Harkins,who sold the house to John is found dead by John on the steps of the house from an apparent heart-attack.

Melanie who took a number of photos of John and Sanders finds that the photos of Sanders have a strange smug on them that when it's magnified the smug looks like a little devil. Things start to get out of hand with Melanie ending up dead in a car crash where she burned to a crisp and John's daughter Susan, Lori Loughlin, drowning in the river outside the house. To the surprise of her mom Nancy Baxter, Tess Harper, she's seen alive walking up the stairs to her room dripping wet with a weird smirk on her face.

John himself has a few close calls with death in an elevator in the building where he works and in his bathroom when he's confronted with live steam gushing out of the bathroom faucets and the walls in the bathroom closing in on him. With his co-worker , Melanie, roasted to death his daughter, Susan, drowned and his wife, Nancy, going insane John gives in and decides to have his house checked out by a "Ghost Buster" team lead by psychic expert and investigator Eillot West, Robert Joy, to find out and see if there's something to all this tragedy that struck John his family and friends. What the team finds out isn't pretty in that before their through checking out the Amityville House the Amityville House will be through with them.

Passable horror movie that does have it's moments and at least tries to make some sense to it's audience of what's happening on the screen with a very young Lori Loughlin and Meg Ryan as Susan Baxter and Susan's best friend Lisa who's also a armature medium and psychic in the film.
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