Review of Styx

Styx (2001 Video)
Waste of Talent
31 March 2005
This movie was a terrible waste of good talent. I have seen Peter Weller and Bryan Brown in much better movies. This is sad that they had to stoop this low just to make some money. Better luck next time guys. I have seen some bad movies in my day, but I must say that if I were a school teacher and were to give this movie a grade, it would probably be a D-. This isn't a B movie it is a D- movie. Sorry this is so cruel but I can't think of a worse waste of time and money than this movie. The plot of the movie was interesting, but very poorly laid out in script. It lacked a lot of organization that is necessary for a movie or a play to be successful. All this movie was, was a lot of murder, mayhem and sex. None of which make it a movie that I would enjoy. My family did not enjoy it either.
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