Beautiful, cynical and sad film
27 March 2005
The story starts of pretty simple. Ugolin (wonderfully portrayed by Daniel Auteuil) has returned to his home, after serving in the army. He now wants to devote his life planting nelliks. His friend and old "mentor" Papet (powerfull done by Yves Montad) see that without water (which is scarce in the area) he will fail. He helps him with money, and get him to buy land from his nabour, which has a very good water source. But he wont sell. Without spoiling to much, he dies. His land goes over to his sister, who dies shortly after. The land is inherited by her rather naive son, Jean de Florette (Gerard Depardieu, who gives the most impressive acting) a man of the city, he dreams of living of the land, farming what he needs, and selling rabbits. He moves there with his daugther and wife. Ugolin and Papet is then devoted to driving him down, so they can buy the land. They cover the water source.

The film is beautifully shot, the area looks wonderful. Also, the score is absolutely marvelous, making the film throughly exquisite. A good thing, the film is not overwhelmed by this beauty. It is strongly concentrated around telling the story, about the up and downfalls of the family, who strive to survive. Also portrays humans as decivefull and evil. Ugolin's envy of the land Jean owns, is a strong theme in the film, together with mans battle to survive. I have not seen the second part, but I really look forward to it. Jean de Florette is a great film in all ways, and I recommend it to anyone. This is one of the few "must see" films out there.
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