Sex Up Your Life! (2005 TV Movie)
Worse than bad – don't waste your time on it
24 March 2005
The problem with sequels is that the ideas from Part One don't work in Part Two, Three etc. because they're not new. And unfortunately in sequels the old ideas are mixed with a stupid plot. All this proves once again with "Sex Up – Ich könnt' schon wieder", the sequel from hit comedy "Sex Up – Jungs haben's auch nicht leicht".

We remember: In "Sex Up 1", three mates (Ziege, Sven and Häschen) discovered a plant which needs rubbish to grow and which produces a highly effective aphrodisiac. Now, in "Sex Up 2" the three friends (Sven is replaced by Max, Sven's ex-boyfriend) live and study in Berlin. One day, when there is really no money left – guess what they discover in the garbage? Now, as this is a sequel: Do the friends experience the same mistakes as in part one? Do they experience even more stupid things? Is water wet? While the three protagonists had character and wit in Part One, here they are simply reduced to idiots (well, two idiots and a gay sex maniac). Plus: The producers make the same mistake as those who did "Bridget Jones 2": They repeat exactly the same jokes and funny situations that were so hilarious in Part One and you watch it thinking: I saw exactly the same jokes in "Sex Up 1", why should I bother at all? This movie is just bad and a waste for actors like André Kaminski. I guess when he thinks back one day and remembers making this movie, he will only have one excuse for it: I was young and needed the money.
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