I don't get it
28 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the first two hours of this adaptation, and I have to say I don't understand where they are going with this. I too am disturbed by the fights Laura and Mary are having over hair color, because in the books, Laura is always described as having dark brown hair, and this child playing Laura is clearly a "dirty blond" at best. Yet they still included the scenes of Laura and Mary fighting over hair color. In the first two hours, alone, I found that I was watching an ENTIRELY different story than the one Laura Ingalls Wilder actually wrote. Just where in the book did Charles ever threaten a man's life in the big woods? And why is Charles portrayed as so mean? In the books he doted on Laura and cuddled her often. And how come he didn't break out his fiddle until he was in Kansas? He was described as playing frequently unless he was too tired. I just think that if Disney wanted to make a mini-series about the book, then they should have read the book first. It is clear to me that they do not understand what it was about these books that made them magical in the first place. They cut out practically everything that was important, and added in such far-fetched parts that they should call it "Little House somewhere OTHER than on the PRAIRIE!"
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