28 March 2005
This is undoubtedly the single greatest IMAX film I have ever seen. Its visual effects may seem a little outdated - although this certainly adds to the charm - but it conveys its sweet little plot with a sense of grandeur. Whereas most IMAX films try to make you feel like you're in a theme park, watching some special effects extravaganza, "Across The Sea Of Time" could stand independently as an example of exceptional storytelling, and a great FILM.

I'm shocked and disappointed that it clearly wasn't popular enough to sustain an audience, as it is now virtually impossible to find a cinema anywhere that is showing it. So sad.

If IMAX want to save themselves, they need to commit to getting great filmmakers and allowing them to tell their stories on the big screen, as was clearly their policy when they created this.

Do NOT, under any circumstances, miss this film.
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